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The Community Therapy Service

The Community Therapy Service helps people live a more enjoyable and independent life.

There are a number of teams who work with adults and children who have disabilities and help them to find ways of living independently by learning new skills, adapting their home environment, or finding specialist equipment to keep people safe, well and fulfilled.

If you are starting to find every day activities becoming more difficult, the Independent Living Team will make an appointment to visit you in your own home and undertake an assessment of your needs by

  • Asking you some questions about your illness or disability and how this affects you
  • Asking you to show them how you carry out the tasks that are causing you problems.

The team carry a range of equipment that they can provide you with straight away to help you manage the tasks that have become difficult. They will fit and demonstrate the equipment in your home and make sure that you are able to use them safely.

The Community Therapy Service can help you find equipment you want to buy, and can also access equipment available to loan from the Community Equipment Service (opens new window).

If you are experiencing more substantial difficulties, you may be better supported by an Occupational Therapist or a Physiotherapist.

The Occupational Therapist will make an appointment to visit you and undertake an assessment by

  • Asking you some questions about your illness or disability and how this affects you
  • Asking you to show them how you carry out the tasks that are causing you problems
  • Talking to others involved in your care where they can help inform the assessment.

Once this process is complete, the Occupational Therapist will make some suggestions on how best to support you with the tasks that are important to you, and then work with you to agree a way forward together. He or she, will put you in touch with other people who might be able to help you and may suggest

  • Specialist equipment to help you do things you cannot do independently
  • Telecare equipment that helps monitor your safety and well being and is provided through Sunderland Telecare Service.
  • Applying for a Disabled Facilities Grant in order to adapt the environment within your home and working with the Home Improvement Agency to have the funding and works carried out
  • A programme of rehabilitation in order to help you gain or regain the skills that will help you live independently
  • Applying for re-housing with a Registered Social Landlord
  • Support to leave hospital following a period of illness or trauma.

Adults experiencing difficulties with mobility, may benefit from physiotherapy. The Physiotherapist will make an appointment to visit you and undertake an assessment of your needs by

  • Asking you some questions about your illness or disability and how this affects you
  • Asking you to show them how you currently get around

If the Physiotherapist feels it would be helpful, a treatment plan to help you regain your confidence will be devised and the Community Therapy Service team will work with you to deliver this.

Start your assessment with the Community Therapy Service:

Complete a self-assessment form 

Once the team has received your information, someone will be in touch with you to agree the next steps.



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