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International Advanced Manufacturing Park


The International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP) is located within the administrative boundaries of Sunderland and South Tyneside and represents a unique opportunity for the automotive and advanced manufacturing sectors in the UK. The existing IAMP Area Action Plan (AAP) was adopted by both Councils in November 2017.

The Existing IAMP AAP

The Councils formally adopted the IAMP AAP in November 2017.

The    IAMP AAP (PDF, 8 MB)   forms part of the adopted development plans for both Sunderland and South Tyneside Councils and sets the planning policy framework against which applications within the IAMP area are assessed

The AAP Policies are also shown on the Council's Interactive Local Plan Policies Map together with the other adopted plan policies. 

The User Guide provides further assistance on how to use the interactive map.

User Guide (pdf) (PDF, 144 KB)

Plan Review

In October 2022 the Councils undertook a review of the existing IAMP AAP. This was required in order to ensure that local planning policies remain effective and up to date, as required by the National Planning Policy Framework.

IAMP AAP Review (PDF, 264 KB)


On 31 March 2025 the Councils launched a second consultation on a new revised draft IAMP AAP which closes on 12 May 2025.  Details on how to respond to the consultation are set out on the Have your Say on Planning webpage.  A copy of the draft AAP and the supporting evidence base are provided below:  

International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan (Regulation 19) (PDF, 4 MB)

Draft Reg 19 IAMP AAP Interactive Policies Map

IAMP AAP - Statement of Representations Procedure (PDF, 156 KB)

Green Belt and Safeguarded Land Justification Report (PDF, 1 MB)

IAMP AAP - Habitat Regulations Assessment (PDF, 190 KB)

IAMP AAP - Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (PDF, 4 MB)

IAMP AAP SFRA Appendix A - Map (PDF, 1 MB)

IAMP AAP Level Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendix B – Excel (gi.ui.mediatype.xls, 100 KB)

IAMP AAP - Sustainability Appraisal (PDF, 1 MB)

IAMP Employment Land Position Statement (PDF, 2 MB)

IAMP AAP - Employment Land Position Statement Addendum (PDF, 117 KB)

IAMP Transport Position Statement (PDF, 1 MB)






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