Area Committee Funding
Each Area Committee has area based and ward based grants available to them to support the delivery of local area priorities.
These resources currently include a Neighbourhood Fund allocated to support the Area Committee's key priorities and a Community Chest budget, a ward-based grant to which groups can apply for smaller amounts of funding to support activities that bring communities together and promote social inclusion.
Neighbourhood Fund
Each of the Area Committees holds a delegated budget in the form of the Neighbourhood Fund. This budget is allocated to support local projects and initiatives that can demonstrate their work will support the delivery of the identified priorities in the area. Projects that demonstrate innovation, new ways of working, partnership involvement and matched funding are particularly welcome.
Opportunities to apply for Neighbourhood Funding are advertised via the Area VCS Networks and the VS Alliance.
Terms and Conditions for projects awarded less than £10,000 and Terms and Conditions for projects awarded £10,000 and above
Terms and Conditions under £10,000 Terms and Conditions over £10,000
Community Chest
Community Chest grant is designed to provide support for 'one off' projects that are of benefit to the local community. Ward Councillors have a grant allocation to award to community groups and organisations to deliver, for example, activities, events or to purchase equipment. Projects must address local priorities and activity must provide genuine community benefit or address community need at a ward level.
An amount of £10,000 is available to each ward annually. There are around 400 successful projects each year. Organised on a ward basis, the scheme is administered on behalf of local ward councillors by the council's Area Arrangements Team based within the Community Resilience Service.
Community Chest applications are now online. Organisations should contact a ward councillor in the first instance to discuss the proposed purpose of the application and ask that they support the completion of the online application prior to submission.