Homeless application criteria
Our homelessness service is changing due to the implementation of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017. Sunderland City Council now has a duty to help all shelter eligible customers (opens new window), rather than just those with a priority need for accommodation (opens new window).
The legislation adds two new duties:
The duty to prevent homelessness (opens new window): We will help people at risk of losing suitable accommodation if they are threatened with homelessness within 56 days. We will attempt to prevent you losing your accommodation or help you plan a move to new accommodation. We may be able to help with benefits and discretionary payments to top up rent. We will also help people who have been served an eviction notice from their landlord rather than asking them to come back when they have a bailiff's date.
The duty to relieve homelessness (opens new window): We will help all those who are homeless to secure suitable accommodation, regardless of whether they are intentionally homeless or in priority need. This duty applies for 56 days. This means that all eligible households are offered help to find a home. Local connection may be considered during this duty. Priority need may be taken into account to decide whether interim accommodation is owed.
If neither of the above duties prevent or relieve homelessness, then those in priority need retain their right to be rehoused, but non-priority households will not be entitled to further help under the main housing duty. For more information see the government's guidance (opens new window) on the new legislation. Find out more information on the gov.uk priority need page (opens new window).
To book an appointment if you are threatened with homelessness or will become homeless within 56 days speak to our Home and money team. You don't need priority status to access the service.
What this means for you:
Please don't wait until you are homeless before asking us for advice and help. The earlier you approach the Council, the more likely we'll be able to resolve your housing issues before you are made homeless.
If you are seeking general housing advice and are not at risk of homelessness within 56 days housing advice and information is available from your who can:
- Provide housing advice and support
- Provide advice on benefits and finance
- Refer you to specialised advisory and support services
- Discuss and advise on other circumstances and issues relating to you housing situation
If you would like further information, you might find the links below useful.