Leadership blog - 17.10.18
In this blog, the Leader talks about the Cabinet's agreement to develop more plans for a new, and smaller council accommodation.
It was fantastic today at the Cabinet meeting to start the ball rolling with new council accommodation plans.
The current civic centre is no longer fit for purpose for a workforce a fraction of the size it used to be and the building is becoming less physically and financially viable by the year.
A number of options for a new civic centre have been explored and the one that makes the most sense is to move to a smaller building on the Vaux site. This would support more efficient and productive ways of working and make services more accessible for residents and customers.
I understand that there will be questions and concerns about the proposed investment but it is clear that this will serve the city much better than spending money on the level of repairs and maintenance this building increasingly needs.
For me and my fellow Cabinet members, the most important factors are that the move would free up the current site for vital housing development and the council's move to the Vaux site would help encourage other investors and the continued regeneration of the city centre.
Detailed plans and proposals will now be developed which will be considered carefully in line with the council's commitment to do the best job possible for the city and its people, delivering and enabling high quality services and creating a vibrant and successful city centre that helps boost economic growth and prosperity throughout the whole of Sunderland.
Cllr Graeme Miller