Core Strategy and Development Plan
The Core Strategy and Development Plan sets out our long-term plan for development across the city to 2033. It will ensure that the right type of development is focused in the right places to meet the needs of local people and businesses.
The Core Strategy and Development Plan (2015-2033) was adopted by the Council on 30 January 2020. A copy of the Plan and associated Policies Map can be found below.
Core Strategy and Development Plan 2015-2033 (PDF, 9 MB)
CSDP Policies Map (PDF, 51 MB)
The Council's Interactive Local Plan Policies Map also shows the Core Strategy and Development Plan Policies alongside the other Adopted Development Plan Policies. The User Guide provides further assistance on how to use the interactive map.
Plan Review
In accordance with the NPPF and PPG a review of the Core Strategy and Development Plan was undertaken in December 2024. This was required to determine whether the policies of the plan remain effective, fit for purpose and consistent with national policy.
The review concluded that the policies within the plan continue to be in general conformity with the NPPF and PPG, remain broadly effective in delivering the overall CSDP's vision and objectives and form an appropriate basis on which to determine planning applications.
Therefore, a review of the plan is not required at this point in time.
However, the Council recognise that proposed Government reforms to the NPPF and plan-making system are forthcoming. As such, the Council will commence work on the preparation of a new local plan once the new plan-making system is in place and that work will commence on updating the evidence base to inform the new plan during 2025.
A copy of the Plan Review is available to view below.
Core Strategy Development Plan Review (PDF, 938 KB)
Should you require any additional information regarding the Examination in Public for the Core Strategy and Development Plan please contact