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Empty homes

We want our neighbourhoods to be safe and attractive places for everyone to live. Throughout Sunderland, there are a number of empty homes which have a negative impact on local communities, as they can attract anti-social behaviour, vandalism and fly-tipping. We are committed to helping owners return their empty properties back into use to provide much needed housing, and to increase confidence within those local communities.

You can find out how the council aims to tackle the issue of empty homes in our Empty Homes Strategy 2020-2025

How we can help you if you own an empty home

If you own a home which is currently empty, there is a range of support available to you:

VAT Reduction

If you are bringing a residential home that has been empty for two years or more back into use and are using VAT registered contractors, you may qualify for a reduced rate of VAT (currently 5%) on eligible renovation work.

Sunderland City Council can provide a letter to support VAT reduction for renovation and refurbishment works, providing we can confirm the home has been empty for the qualifying period of two years or more.

Further information and eligibility for this concession can be found by visiting Buildings and construction (VAT Notice 708) - GOV.UK ( or by telephoning HM Revenue & Customs National Advice Service on 0845 010 9000.

Keeping your empty home safe and secure

While occupation is always the best form of security, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your empty home safe and secure:

  • check the property frequently
  • regularly maintain gardens and exterior space
  • hang curtains or blinds so it looks occupied
  • set timers for the Internal lights
  • install motion-sensor security lights and house alarms
  • set the heating to a very low temperature during the winter will prevent burst pipes
  • repair any damage or vandalism
  • leave your contact details with neighbours

Contact us

For further advice and assistance about your empty property please contact the Empty Homes Team.

Further support for empty homes

Landlord Accreditation Scheme

If you are thinking of renting out your empty home you may wish to consider signing up to be a member of our free Landlord Accreditation Scheme.

Private Sector Leasing

Sunderland City Council is pleased to offer a Private Sector Leasing Scheme to home owners within the city.

Report an issue with an empty home

If you are concerned about an empty home in your area, you can report it online or call 0191 520 5555.

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