Road activities permit scheme

We are proposing to introduce a new road activities permit scheme which will allow us to have better control over how potential roadworks are scheduled and managed.

Roadworks undertaken by utility companies, developers and the council's own highway maintenance team can result in significant disruption to the smooth running of our highway network. Whilst this may be necessary work, it is important that it is managed as effectively as possible.

The council currently operates a system where works promoters, such as gas, electricity, water, telecommunications providers and the council's highway team, give notice to carry out works on the highway. However, as long as the required notice periods are adhered to, the council has very little control over the timing or duration of those works.

Under the proposed permit scheme, promoters will have to book time on the highway network by applying for a permit before carrying out any works. Special arrangements will apply in respect of emergency works.

Similar schemes have already been implemented by many other councils. The Government considers these to be a success. A permit scheme will allow us to manage and coordinate essential roadworks.

It will aim to:

  • Increase the efficient running of the highway network
  • Protect the structure of the street and the apparatus belonging to utility companies and others within it
  • Improve the safety of those using the street and those working on activities that fall within the scheme
  • Ensure that better and more accurate information is available for road users about work on the highway

More information and scheme documentation will be available as the scheme progresses.

In addition, national statutory guidance for all permit schemes in England can be found in the Department for Transport's
Street works permit scheme regulations (opens new window).

Sunderland City Council Permit Scheme for road works and street works amended scheme document

Following the consultation which ran from 1 August 2019 to 30 October 2019, Sunderland City Council have made changes based on the responses received. We are now publishing the amended document in accordance with the regulations.

Sunderland City Council permit scheme document

Sunderland City Council permit scheme cost benefit analysis executive summary

Sunderland City Council permit scheme fee summary

Sunderland City Council permit scheme consultation responses

Sunderland City Council's Cabinet will in due course be asked to approve the Permit Scheme on the basis of the modified Scheme Document, which (subject to Cabinet approval/amendment) will in due course be given legal effect by order.


Third year review

Street works permit scheme (PDF, 880 KB)

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