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Good news stories

The delivery of CLLD activities in Sunderland provides a fantastic opportunity to create a positive and lasting impact on a range of individuals, groups, businesses and communities. These include: 

  • Those Individuals seeking work and access to training and skills support 
  • Vulnerable individuals who require more intensive support 
  • Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations delivering new projects for key target groups (unemployed, long term unemployed, previously inactive, people aged 50+ years, participants form ethnic minorities and those with disabilities) 
  • Potential entrepreneurs interested in setting up their own business 
  • Existing businesses in the target communities, particularly social enterprises 
  • The wider community in general 

A well-coordinated communications plan that builds on the extensive consultation and engagement that has already happened is vital in ensuring the successful development and delivery of local projects. The Local Action Group (LAG) recognises that it is crucial that local people, community organisations and businesses understand the CLLD programme, - how to get involved, how to find out about local projects and the support available to them. 

The LAG has set up a Communications and Engagement sub-group with the following objectives: 

  • To actively promote the work of the (LAG) including the vision, strategic objectives, actions and targets of the Local Development Strategy (LDS) across the local VCSE, private and public sector community 
  • To promote the engagement with local residents, VCSE organisations and private and public sector organisations, to improve representation and involvement of under-represented groups 
  • To ensure potential project delivery organisations are aware of the opportunities and where they can access support and guidance to develop their projects 
  • To publicise and share achievements and impacts 
  • To improve awareness and understanding with the local community of the LDS and how it will implement CLLD activities 

Case studies

Read more about the Sunderland Community Led Local Development Programme - Project Summaries here:

Event materials/presentations

Read about the Practitioners Networking Event from October 2019 here:

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