Voucher options by supermarket
Supermarket | E-voucher available? | Physical voucher available? | E-voucher information | Physical voucher information |
Aldi | Yes | Yes | buyatab.com/custom/aldi-uk You need to enter your own email address or your volunteer's to set up. | vouchers.aldi.co.uk Can be bought online and will be posted to you. |
Asda | Yes | Yes | cards.asda.com/the-volunteer-shopping-card The card can be printed out at home or emailed to the volunteer to use. | cards.asda.com/gift-cards Can be redeemed online or in store. |
M&S | Yes | Yes | marksandspencer.com/we-re-all-in-this-together-volunteer-e-gift-card You need to enter your own email address or your volunteer's to set up. | marksandspencer.com/l/gifts/gift-cards |
Morrisons | Yes | Yes | morrisons.cashstar.com Morrisons don't have a volunteer shopping card, an e-gift voucher can be used instead. | morrisons.cashstar.com Can be redeemed online or in store |
Sainsbury's | Yes | Yes | sainsburysgiftcard.co.uk The card needs to be emailed to the volunteer to use. | sainsburysgifts.co.uk/sainsburys_gift_cards Can only be redeemed in store |
Tesco | Yes | No | tescogiftcards.com/order The card needs to be emailed to the volunteer to use | |
Waitrose | Yes | Yes | johnlewisgiftcard.com/JohnLewisWaitrose/ByEmail The card needs to be emailed to the volunteer to use. It can be redeemed online or via telephone by calling 0330 123 0350. | johnlewisgiftcard.com/JohnLewisWaitrose/ByPost Can be redeemed online, in store or over telephone by calling 0330 123 0350. |