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Wintering birds survey results

Here is a list of some of the birds you might spot while visiting the area

Bird type in alphabetical order:
Black-headed gullEurasian collared doveFeral pigeonMistle thrush
Blue titEurasian jackdawFieldfareMoorhen
Canada gooseEurasian jayGoldcrestMute swan
Carrion crowEurasian magpieGreat spotted woodpeckerPheasant
Coal titEurasian siskinGreat titPied wagtail
Common blackbirdEurasian sparrowhawkGreater black-backed gullPink-footed goose
Common buzzardEurasian tree sparrowGrey heronRedwing
Common chaffinchEurasian woodcockGreylag gooseReed bunting
Common chiffchaffEurasian wrenHouse sparrowSong thrush
Common gullEuropean goldfinchKestrelStock dove
Common linnetEuropean greenfinchLesser redpollTawny owl
Common woodpigeonEuropean herring gullLittle egretWater rail
DunnockEuropean robinLong-tailed titWillow tit
Eurasian bullfinchEuropean starlingMallardYellowhammer

Check the RSPB A to Z of birds (opens new window) to identify some of the birds listed. 

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