Let's Talk F-Pit and Albany Park

Washington F Pit Museum is an iconic landmark that showcases a key part of Sunderland's industrial heritage and the history of the mining industry in the region. Located in Albany Park in Washington, the F-Pit Engine House and attached headgear are a Scheduled Ancient Monument and are the only surviving structures of New Washington Colliery. The Engine House was presented by the National Coal Board to the people of Washington as a monument, following its closure in 1968, and it has operated as a Museum since 1976. Albany Park was formed from land reclaimed from the former colliery, its existing landscape having been influenced by the site's mining heritage with the former spoil heaps of the colliery seen in the mounds that characterize the topography of the park.
Following last year's consultation on initial sketch proposals for the new Heritage Visitor Centre and the outline Albany Park Masterplan, the first phase of improvements to the park were completed in June and comprised woodland management and tree, shrub and wildflower planting to enhance the natural environment of the park. The outline Masterplan for Albany Park has now been further developed to illustrate the second phase of proposed improvements, including works to improve access, refurbished play areas, a new event space, dog exercise area, a trim trail, new paths, bins and benches, sculptures and signage, flowering shrubs, meadow grassland and wetland ponds to boost biodiversity.
Concept plans have also been further developed by Mosedale Gillatt Architects for the Heritage Visitor Centre, including a good quality café, toilets, flexible space for interpretation and community use, outside seating overlooking a new play area, outdoor exhibition space, repairs and improvement works to the F-Pit Engine House. The plans also include a new car park at the Museum site.
The updated outline Albany Park Masterplan and concept plans for the development of the F Pit Museum site can be viewed using the links below:
Albany Park Consultation outline masterplan September 2024
F Pit Museum proposed site plan August 2024
F Pit Museum aerial view August 2024
F Pit Museum street view August 2024
Residents and businesses are invited to comment on these plans up until the end of September 2024 via the following link: Washington F-Pit feedback form
A Heritage Open Days event will also take place at F Pit Museum on Saturday 14th September from 12 to 3pm where there will be an opportunity to meet the architects and discuss the plans.
Please also see attached 'Have your say on exciting plans for Washington F-Pit Museum and Albany Park ' news item promoting progress on the project and the forthcoming consultation events.
Following September's consultation the detailed designs for the Museum development and Albany Park will be progressed. It is anticipated that the second phase of Park improvements will commence in Spring 2025 and the Museum development including construction of the new visitor centre and café will begin in Summer 2025.
Further updates on progress will be provided on this page and there will be opportunities for residents and businesses to comment on the detailed plans as they begin to emerge through consultation events later this year.