Albany Park improvements to kick-start Washington regeneration plans
Work is due to start on improving Albany Park, as part of wider £4.6m regeneration plans for Washington's F-Pit Museum and Albany Park site.

The first phase - to be undertaken by Brambledown Landscapes - will include woodland management to remove dead and diseased plants, followed by extensive tree, shrub and wildflower planting and other ecological works to enhance the natural environment and biodiversity of the park.
In the 'Let's Talk F-Pit and Albany Park' public consultation last year, Washington residents said they want to see improvements made to the park and the museum developed with a new visitor centre and café.
The Grade II listed Washington F-Pit Museum showcases a key part of Sunderland's industrial heritage and the history of the mining industry in the region.
Mosedale Gillatt Architects have been appointed to prepare the detailed designs for the development of the Museum, which will include a new heritage visitor centre and cafe, outdoor exhibition space and associated repairs and improvement works to the F-Pit Engine House.
The plans also include a new play park and car park at the museum site.
Councillor John Price, Sunderland City Council's Cabinet Member for Vibrant City, said: "During our public consultation, Washington residents told us what they'd like to see at Albany Park and the F-Pit Museum, and we're delighted to be able to bring some of these ideas to life with plans to revitalise the green space and update the museum's facilities.
"The F-Pit Museum has been a key landmark in the area for decades and we want to protect and preserve the future of this fantastic site so it can be enjoyed by residents for many more."
Work on the first phase of Albany Park improvements is set to start in March, with further enhancements including new street furniture, lighting, informal play and recreational facilities to begin by the end of this year.
Construction of the Heritage Visitor Centre is expected to get underway in 2025.
There will be opportunities for residents and businesses to comment on the detailed plans as they begin to emerge through consultation events later this year.
Find out more about the regeneration plans by visiting Let's Talk F-Pit and Albany Park - Sunderland City Council