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Minster Service to remember Srebrenica

SUNDERLAND will join communities across the world in the annual international commemoration of the Bosnian Genocide.

Minster Park

A special service at Sunderland Minster will mark the 29th anniversary of the Bosnian Genocide, described by the United Nations as the worst atrocity on European soil since the Second World War. 

The service will take place on Tuesday 16 July to remember the victims of Srebrenica, at 6:30pm.

The war against Bosnia lasted for nearly four years, resulting in more than 100,000 deaths. Two million people were displaced or became refugees and Bosnia became the biggest network of concentration camps on European soil since the Holocaust.

The events in Srebrenica, where more than 8,371 boys and men were murdered in just a couple of days, was a culmination of the Bosnian Genocide and atrocities that happened across the entire country, starting as early as 1992.

This is the eighth annual event that has been commemorated in Sunderland, it aims to bring together people of all faiths to honour the victims of the Bosnian Genocide, while raising awareness about the significance of building a cohesive society.

Remembering Srebrenica's theme for 2024 is 'I Am Because You Are'. The theme was chosen to remind us that we are all connected and encourage people to stand up for each other against hatred, discrimination, and prejudice.

The Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor Allison Chisnall, said: "This service is a chance to reflect and remember the victims and survivors of Srebrenica.

"This year's theme of 'I Am Because You Are' is so important because it serves to remind us that all of us are interconnected, and we are safer and stronger together."

In honour of all those who lost their lives between 1992-1995, the city will be flying the Remembering Srebrenica flag at City Hall from Thursday 11 July until Friday 19 July.

Landmarks will also be lit up across the city on Tuesday 11 July to mark the official anniversary.

The Remembering Srebrenica service is an open service which everyone is very welcome to attend.

It takes place at Sunderland Minster at 6.30pm on Tuesday 16 July and guests are asked to arrive from 6.15pm. Please confirm your attendance with the Mayor's Office by emailing or telephone 07766 367 426.

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