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City Council budget proposals: What do you think?

Residents, businesses and community groups are being asked about the City Council's budget proposals.

City Hall

The council provides more than 600 services from adult and children's social care, waste and recycling collections, to libraries and parks.

This year's allocated budget for day-to-day services was £806.5m. The majority of budget funding comes from Government grants with the Council Tax contributing around £17 of every £100. Since 2010, the council has had its spending power reduced by around a quarter.

Rising demand and the costs of adult social care continue to be one of the biggest budget pressures on the council. The council is preparing to make a provision of £10m for extra adult social care costs in its medium term financial plan for the next budget year of 2025/26.

The council continues too to have ambitious investment plans for a more healthy, dynamic, vibrant and smart city with a £569m investment programme over the next five years. Next year one of Riverside Sunderland's key features is due to complete - the new high-level footbridge over the River Wear.

Consultation on this next budget and its proposals has opened and is here: Our Budget - Sunderland City Council

More decisions on the budget will be made at the beginning of 2025 with a final budget meeting in March.

The City Council's Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Equalities, Councillor Alison Smith said: "It is vitally important that we hear from you, our residents, on what you think about our suggested approach. We need to ensure we continue to create a city where everyone can live, work and play, while understanding what your priorities are to help us deliver changes and see lasting impact and improvements."

Consultation runs to Thursday 9 January. All survey data is anonymous and not shared outside of the council.

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