Sunderland Fuel Fund

The council has allocated £610,000 from its 'Household Support Fund 6' grant allocation, along with an additional council contribution of £300,000, to create a Sunderland Fuel Fund.
This new fuel fund will be used to give eligible pensioners a single automatic payment this winter, 2024.
Payments will be:
- £200 where the person/both members of a couple are under 80 years old.
- £300 where the person or either member of the couple is 80 years old or over.
Payments are for pensioner households already receiving Council Tax Support or Housing Benefit on Monday 4 November, and who are not receiving Pension Credit.
Pensioners who are eligible will receive a letter from Sunderland City Council. You do not need to contact us to apply.
Households will be contacted in November 2024. Payments will be made in December 2024/January 2025 into a listed bank account or by a Post Office cash voucher. There will be one payment per household.
The payment does not affect any other benefit entitlements and does not have to be repaid.
Please note: There are a number of text, phone, social media and email HSF and Cost of Living scams currently circulating. If you receive any of these please do not open them, click on any of the links, or respond to requests for money.