Great British Spring Clean 2025
Get invovled in the two week Great British Spring Clean 2025, from 21 March to 6 April, by volunteering with organised litter picks across the city. Find out what is happening in your area of the city:
Date | Area | Location | Contact |
Wednesday 26 March | East | Stephenson Trail on Chester Road Meet at the Stephenson Trail end on Chester Road at 1pm to 3pm | For more information contact Groundwork NE & Cumbria 0121 236 8565 |
Saturday 5 April | East | Hall Farm/Doxford 10am to 12 noon - Community litter pick (all welcome & refreshments provided afterwards). Groups will leave from and return to The Box Youth and Community Project, Hall Farm Road, SR3 2UY | The contact is Denise Barna at The Box Youth and Community Project, call 0191 522 5031. If any residents or families in the Doxford Ward would like to organise their own litter picks over the two weeks of thee Great British Spring Clean, they are able to borrow equipment from The Box Youth and Community Project and they will supply rubbish sacks. Collected litter can also be returned to The Box project. Please contact The Box to book equipment by calling 0191 522 5031 |
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Friday 21 March | West | St Lukes Church Meet at St Lukes Church from 10am to 2pm | |
Wednesday 26 March | West | Eden Vale Meet at 12.30pm at the bottom of Wearhead Drive | |
Thursday 27 March | West | Ford Quarry Meet at the entrance to Ford Quarry at 10am to 2pm | |
Thursday 27 March | West | Silksworth Ski Slope and Sports Complex Meet at the Ski Slope Car Park at 10.30am | For more information contact |
Monday 28 March | West | South Hylton Roundabout Meet at the roundabout at the top of Hylton Bank at 10am | |
Friday 4 April | West | Tay Road Fields Meet at 10am at the Grindon Lane entrance to the fields | |
Saturday 29 March | North | Downhill Meet at the Downhill Sports Complex entrance at 9:30am to 10:30am | Visit Downhill Centre - Community Hub | Sunderland | Facebook for more information |
Friday 21 March | Coalfields | A690 Underpass Meet at the Houghton old Cemetery entrance at 10am to 12pm | For more information on how to get involved in these Coalfields events, please visit Clean it Green it in Sunderland's Coalfield | Houghton le Spring | Facebook or call/text Graeme from Clean it Green it Springboard on 07764896403. |
Sunday 23 March | Coalfields | Hetton Park Meet at the Hetton Centre entrance at 10am to 2pm | |
Saturday 29 March | Coalfields | Houghton Meet at Rectory Park at 11am to 1pm | |
Wednesday 2 April | Coalfields | Herrington Colliery Welfare Meet at the Colliery Welfare from 10am to 12 noon | |
Thursday 3 April | Coalfields | Flatts Youth Club Easington Lane Meet at Flatts Youth Club Easington Lane from 3.30pm to 4.30pm | |
Tuesday 25 March | Washington | Donwell Meet outside Wessington pub at 9am to 11am | For more information on how to get involved in Washington visit Washington Clean & Green - Community Opportunities | Sunderland | Facebook |
Wednesday 26 March | Washington | Barmston Meet outside Nisa shop at 9am to 11am | |
Thursday 27 March | Washington | Oxclose and Lambton Meet outside Hope Church at 9am to 11am | |
Tuesday 1 April | Washington | Sulgrave Meet outside Top Club at 9am to 11am | |
Wednesday 2 April | Washington | Teal Farm Meet outside the Teal Farm pub at 9am to 11am | |
Thursday 3 April | Washington | Rickleton Meet outside the Woodlands pub at 9am to 11am |