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Household Support Fund

Funded by UK government logo


The council has been allocated a further round of Household Support Fund Grant Funding (HSF) - called HSF6 - by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This round of funding is to be used between September 2024 and March 2025 to support some low income and vulnerable households facing defined cost of living pressures.

This support is being developed and will be made available in stages. This page will be updated as and when these offers become available.

HSF6 will provide a range of discretionary support rather than being legal entitlements and all awards are based on funding still being available. 

Council HSF support - automatic payments  

Most HSF support will be provided automatically without households having to apply

Automatic Payments

Households that are vulnerable, struggling financially and in crisis and are unable to meet the cost of energy/heating, food, or other essential bills, may be eligible for support under the council's HSF application scheme.

HSF Application Criteria

Only one application-based award can normally be made to a household in this period. No applications can be made or will be accepted outside these periods.

An overview of the application criteria is detailed below but please note that all HSF awards are:

  • based on the information and evidence provided
  • discretionary and not legal entitlements
  •  can only be made while there is funding available to do so.

Group 1: Working age households that do not receive DWP means- tested benefits/HMRC tax credits.

You must meet all three of the following conditions:

1.      Have an annual gross income of less than £33,000 (single person) or £49,500 (for a couple) 

2.      Have savings worth less than £750

3.      Meet one of the following criteria:  

   a)      You are an unpaid carer (this means that you receive Carers Allowance, underlying entitlement to Carers Allowance or have a carers premium)

   b)     Are classed as being in fuel poverty (10% of net income spent on fuel)

   c)     Receive Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support (non-passported)

   d)     Have significant pre-existing debts or debt repayments Significant debt

Group 2: Pensioner households that do not receive DWP means-tested benefits/HMRC Tax Credits

You must meet all three of the following conditions: 

1.      Have an annual net income of less than £16,150 (single person) or £31,650 (for a couple) 

2.      Have savings worth less than £1,500

3.      Meet one of the following criteria:  

a)      You are an unpaid carer (this means that you receive Carers Allowance, underlying entitlement to Carers Allowance or have a carers premium)

   b)    Are classed as being in fuel poverty (10% of net income spent on fuel)

   c)    Receive Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support (non-passported) only where it is an award made after 4 November 2024

   NB All HB/CTS pensioner claimants that received either of these benefits on 4th November and not Pension Credit will have received the full value of their

Winter Fuel Payment from the Council. This will have been paid as a single payment to the household sometime between November and December  

   d)    Have significant pre-existing debts or debt repayments Significant debt

Group 3: DWP means- tested benefit/HMRC Tax Credits recipients.

You must meet one of the following six conditions:

1.      You have dependent children, and you are under significant financial pressure because of at least one of the following:

     a)      You are working and on Universal Credit but do not qualify for free school meals because your

                      income is above £7,400 per year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

     b)      You are on Child Tax Credit but do not get free school meals - normally because you also get.

                      Working Tax Credit or have a gross income of above £16,190 per year.

     c)      Your benefits are reduced due to the Benefit Cap

     d)      You do not receive additional benefits for your children due to the '2 child limit'.

2.      You are an unpaid carer (this means that you receive Carers Allowance, underlying entitlement to Carers Allowance or have a carers premium)

3.      You receive Universal Credit or another DWP means tested benefit but do not get any help/only limited help with your mortgage.

4.      You are single under 35, living in a one or more bedroom privately rented property but receive the Local Housing Allowance Shared Room Rate only (Housing Benefit / Universal Credit Housings Costs Element). You do not receive a Discretionary Housing Payment, and/ or this means you have to make up most of the difference in rent payments yourself

5.      You have significant pre-existing debt or debt repayments Significant debt

6.      You are under exceptional financial pressure because of one of one of the following recent events (Within previous two months):

     a)      Recent family breakdown/split or major change in circumstances which has led to short term loss of income or requirement to move.

     b)      Reduction in available income due to having to buy replacement essential household items (e.g., fridges/ washing machines, cookers, beds, and other furniture) due to recent flood, fire, or similar disaster - and where insurance, DWP, council or similar schemes have not provided support.

     c)      Reduction in available income due to having to repair essential household items (e.g., fridges / washing machines, cookers, beds) and where insurance, DWP, council or similar schemes have not provided support. Proof of repair costs from an established company would be needed.

     d)      Other family changes - increase in family size without increase in income (other than child benefit), death in family.

     e)      Lost job or loss of hours equalling more than 10% and where Universal Credit (UC) or other benefit payments do not make up the difference.

     f)        You have transferred from legacy benefits (IR ESA, IB JSA, TCs) to UC within the previous 2 months and you have had more than a 10% drop in income (benefits/wages) due specifically to this change. Households that receive full Transitional Protection will not qualify.

You must also meet both of the following conditions.

1.      Have savings worth less than £750.

2.      Meet one of the following criteria:

   a) Are classed as being in fuel poverty (10% of net income spent on fuel)

   b) Receive Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support

   c) Have significant pre-existing debts or debt repayments Significant debt

Other application information

  • Household are normal made up of 1 or 2 adults and dependent children, any non-dependents living in the house would have to claim in own right.
  • Full time students are not normally eligible for support, unless they meet Group 3 criteria.
  • Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance , Personal Independence Payment , Armed Forces Independence Payment or War Disablement Pensions will not count as income for Group1 or 2                                                                                                                                                                               


HSF Applications (January 2025 - March 2025)  

Applications can be made via the council by telephoning the Home and Money Team on 0191 520 5551 or the following designated Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) providers  from 6 January 2025.

East Area Contacts- for people that live in Hendon, Millfield, St Michaels, Ryhope and Doxford


Back on the Map*

*Please note that Back on The Map are currently working through their waiting list and are not at this stage taking any more HSF applications.


Telephone number


Opening Times

By appointment Monday - Thursday 9.30-5.00pm, Friday 9.30-3.30pm contact via phone number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


The Box Youth Project*

*Please note that Box Youth Project are not at this stage taking any more HSF applications.


Telephone number


Opening Times

Monday - Friday 9.00-4.00pm contact via phone number


Ryhope CA


Telephone number


Opening Times

Monday - Friday 9.00-4.00pm contact via phone number

West Area Contacts-for people that live in Pallion, St Anne's, Barnes, Sandhill, St Chads and Silksworth


Youth Almighty Project

Email or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Telephone number

07502467879 or 07938581965

Opening Times

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 3.00pm. If no answer, please leave a message.


Pallion Action Group


Telephone number

0191 5142011

Opening Times

Wednesday 10.00am - 1.00pm. Please leave a message at any other time.


Community Opportunities


NA - telephone only

Telephone number


Opening Times

Phone lines will be open every weekday 9.00am-5.00pm

North Area Contacts- for people that live in Castle, Redhill, Southwick, Fulwell and St Peters


Southwick Neighbourhood Youth Project


NA - telephone only

Telephone number

Via text message to 07394071125.  As text only service can text 24/7 and appointments will be made during office opening hours                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 10.00am - 4.30pm


Community Opportunities (Castle or Redhill wards only)


NA - telephone only

Telephone number


Opening Times

Phone lines will be open every weekday 9.00am-5.00pm

Washington Area Contacts-for people that live in Washington


Community Opportunities (Castle or Redhill wards only)


NA - telephone only                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Telephone number


Opening Times

Phone lines will be open every weekday 9.00am-5.00pm                                                                                            

Coalfield Area Contacts-for people that live in Shiney Row, Copt Hill, Houghton and Hetton                   




Telephone number


Opening Times

Monday to Friday 9.00am-4.30pm                                                                                                                               

Specialist Area Contacts


Veterans in Crisis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


no email, telephone contact only please.

Telephone number

0191 567 1878

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 9.00am-2.30pm                                                                            


Sunderland BME Network Ltd


Telephone number

07964 380653

Opening Times

Monday 9.00am-4.00pm, Tuesday 9.00am-2.30pm, Wed 9.00am-4.00pm, Thu 9.00am-2.30pm                               


Grace House


Telephone number

0191 4352088

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm


Other HSF funded support  

The council is also providing additional support to a range of other organisations to directly support their own customers , and is also providing some additional funding for its Local Welfare Provision Scheme .

The council is also providing additional support to a range of other organisations to directly support their own customers , and is also providing some additional funding for its Local Welfare Support Scheme to help it meet additional demands. This can assist vulnerable households' that are struggling financially under certain circumstances.  

If you are struggling financially, vulnerable, and unable to meet your immediate needs, you may be eligible for support.  

  • Crisis Support may provide help with food (where a foodbank is unable to help) and fuel (only for prepayment meter customers) where you have experienced an unforeseen crisis or emergency.
  • Community Care Support can, in certain circumstances, help with the costs of essential furniture and white goods when moving into a new home or, by exception, with replacement items.

Please see our Financial Wellbeing Support Hub for details of other support that is available, including additional help with energy costs and energy efficiency, and other support services and schemes including the Government's ownCost of Living support (opens new window).

Please note: There are a number of text, phone, social media and email HSF and Cost of Living scams currently circulating. If you receive any of these please do not open them, click on any of the links, or respond to requests for money.

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