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City centre residents permits

This page contains information on the permits available to City Centre, Astral, Solar and Planet House residents.

City centre residents permits

The council currently operate a city centre residents parking scheme which allows residents who live in the City Centre to purchase a permit that will allow parking at any time (subject to availability) in any of the council controlled multi storey and off street car parks (except Prince/South Street car parks which are reserved for private permit holders). 

The car parks involved in the scheme are as follows: St Mary's, Sunniside, Boughton Street, Nile Street, High Street West, West Wear Street, Charles Street, Tatham Street, and Gorse Road.

Applicants should be registered for council tax at a property within the city centre area and produce DVLA documentation of vehicle ownership. If the vehicle is leased or is a company vehicle letter headed correspondence to confirm identity and eligibility must be provided for verification purposes.

The current cost of a permit is £155 per quarter or £545 per annum. These figures are subject to review from time to time. Please note there is also a £10 charge for any replacement permits or lost fobs and cards.

Astral, Solar and Planet House Residents

Residents of Astral, Solar and Planet houses are entitled to apply for a residents permit to park in Central Area car park which is situated above Jacky Whites market and located in close proximity to Astral, Solar and Planet Houses. The car park is a secure car park and operates a gated fob operated system.

The current cost of a permit is £155 per quarter or £545 per annum. These figures are subject to review from time to time. Please note there is also a £10 charge for any replacement permits or lost fobs.

Applicants should be registered for council tax at a property within Astral, Solar or Planet houses and produce DVLA documentation of vehicle ownership. If the vehicle is leased or is a company vehicle letter headed correspondence to confirm identity and eligibility must be provided for verification purposes.

How do I apply for a permit

 Anyone wishing to apply for a City Centre residents permit please contact Parking Services.

How do I pay for a permit

Payment can be made by debit and credit card, cheque or postal order (made payable to Sunderland City Council or by Direct Debit.

If you would like further information please contact Parking Services.


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