Reablement at Home
The Reablement Service is designed to help people achieve independence in the kinds of activities that are central to our daily living.
Support is a short term intervention that is focused on building confidence and regaining lost skills.
The Reablement at Home Service is of particular value to people leaving hospital, for whom an episode of illness, or an injury for example following a fall, has changed their ability to manage daily living tasks independently, but is also offered to people living in the community where this would be helpful.
If you have experienced a hospital admission, your care team in the hospital will refer you to the service, however it is possible to refer yourself to the service by Health and wellbeing.
Once a referral has been received, the team will consider the things that are most important to you, how your ability to carry out these tasks has changed and your potential for achieving improved independence.
The service focuses on finding new ways of doing things that will lead to personal independence, whilst at the same time, promoting personal safety, and will agree a plan with you that outlines a schedule of visits and the activities that will be undertaken during these visits.
During the lifetime of the plan, the team will work with you to help you do things for yourself rather than doing things for you.
The team may ask you to consider involving an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist in your plan, and with your agreement, will request involvement from Community Therapy Service.
The team may also identify some equipment or Telecare equipment that would be of benefit to you, and work with Community Equipment Service and Sunderland Telecare Service to provide this.
They will also work with you to help you think about people or other organisations that might be able to help you once your plan has ended.
The Reablement Service is provided free of charge for a time limited period which will be agreed with you and your Reablement Team.
In some situations, it may be necessary to consider with you the potential for accessing on-going care and support services. Where this is the case, the team will request an assessment of your needs from a Social Worker.