Please find below copies of the Transport related papers submitted as part of supporting evidence for the IAMP AAP Examination in Public.
SD60 - JMP Technical Note: Base Modelling Approach (July 2015) (PDF, 137 KB)
SD61 - JMP Technical Note: Future Year Modelling Scenarios (July 2015) (PDF, 32 KB)
SD62 - JMP Technical Note: IAMP Multi-Modal Trip Generation Assessment (November 2015) (PDF, 60 KB)
SD63 - JMP Technical Note: IAMP - Vehicle Trip Distribution (November 2015) (PDF, 1 MB)
SD65 - JMP Technical Note: Washington Road Bridge Option Testing (December 2015) (PDF, 39 KB)
SD66 - JMP File Note: IAMP - Existing Network Trigger Point assessment (April 2016) (PDF, 300 KB)
SD67 - NECA - Transport North East Committee: Supplemental Agenda (February 2016) (PDF, 706 KB)
Contact Planning Policy.