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Seafront projects

Roker Pods

Seaburn Promenade Improvements

Roker Promenade Improvements

Roker Pier and Lighthouse Restoration

Roker Pods

The moveable Roker pods arrived at Marine Walk in July 2013.

Designed as a response to the need for more facilities at Marine Walk identified during public consultation; and inspired by the famous 'canon ball rocks' found along the base of the cliffs at Roker beachfront, the unique pods can adapt themselves to a variety of uses.

They are also supplied with their own sustainable power source which help generate the energy they need.

One of the Pods has been leased for use as a coffee/tea kiosk at Holey Rock Corner.

The remaining two pods are being leased to Roker Park based environmental charity Community Environmental Educational Developments (CEED) - working with schools and community groups across the city, for community and educational based activities.

As well as using the pods for their own activities, CEED will also be allowing other community groups and schools in the city to use the Pods through a booking system.

For further information on booking a Pod contact CEED by telephone: 0191 549 8844

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Seaburn Promenade Improvements

Funding from the Council's capital programme and from Coastal Communities Round 1 has funded £2.2m of highway and promenade improvements at Seaburn.

Seaburn Seafront

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Roker Promenade Improvements

Funding from the Council's capital programme and from the Sea Change Fund has funded £2.5m of promenade improvements at Marine Walk, Roker. This includes the construction of a new public toilet facility that also includes a Changing Places facility (for visitors who can't access a standard disabled toilet). Visit Changing Places website for more information on facilities.

Roker Promenade

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Roker Pier and Lighthouse Restoration

Detailed information can be found on the Roker Pier website.

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