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Request for Mental Health Act Assessment

A Mental Health Act Assessment is a statutory assessment that may be requested when a child or adult appears to be mentally unwell, and it is felt necessary to admit the person to hospital for their own health, safety or for the protection of others for assessment and or treatment.

An assessment under the Mental Health Act (1983) will be considered if all lesser restrictive options have been explored and not felt to be appropriate, for example community based treatment or an informal admission to hospital.

If you need to request a Mental Health Act Assessment where Sunderland would be the responsible Local Authority, contact should be made to Northumberland Tyne and Wear (NTW) Initial Response Service (IRS) on Tel 03031231145

Once a referral is received by the Initial Response Service a Senior clinician will undertake a 'triage' of the information with the aim of ensuring that all least restrictive options have been considered prior to an assessment taking place. This will include discussion with a social worker to identify whether any additional social care provision is required.

ContactHealth and wellbeing if the person is under 16 or for people who are already admitted to a bed within NTW.

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