Common land and village green register
The council is responsible for the registration of any common land and village greens, situated within the city, as required by the Commons Registration Act 1965.
The council is required to maintain a register of these areas, which currently includes the following village greens:
Reference | Village green |
VG 1 | Sunderland Town Moor |
VG 2 | The Green, Southwick |
VG 3 | Tunstall Village Green |
VG 4 | Bishopwearmouth Village Green |
VG 5 | Ryhope Village Green |
VG 6 | Washington Village Green |
VG 7 | Usworth Village Green |
VG 8 | Sports Arena, adjacent Princess Anne Park, Washington |
VG 9 | Willow Pond, Horsley Road, Washington |
VG 103 | Penshaw Village |
VG 104 | West Herrington |
VG/1/2017 | Tunstall Hills |
VG/2/2018 | West Park, Middle Herrington |
For further enquiries please contact local land charges.