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Kinds of dangerous wild animals

The following are kinds of dangerous wild animals as specified in the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976.

Scientific name of kindCommon name or names
Canidae. except the species Canis familiaris and Vulpes vulpes This kind includes the wild dog, wolf, jackal, coyote, fennec and fox, except that the domestic dog and the common red fox are specifically excluded.
Casuariidae Cassowary
CercopithecidaeOld World monkey (including langur, colobus, macaque, guenon, patas, mangabey, baboon and mandrill)
CrocodyliaThis kind includes the alligator, crocodile, gharial, false gharial and caiman.
Dromaijdae Emu
Elapidae (including Hydrophildae)This kind includes the cobra, krait, mamba, coral snake and sea snake, and all Australian poisonous snakes (including the death adder).
Felidae except the species Felis catusThis kind includes the lynx, caracal, serval, bobcat, cheetah, lion, tiger, leopard, panther, jaguar, puma, cougar and ocelot, except that the domestic cat is specifically excluded.
HelodermatidaeGila monster and Mexican beaded lizard
PongidaeAnthropoid ape (including orangutan, gorilla and chimpanzee)
UrsidaeThis kind includes the polar bear, brown bear and grizzly bear.
Viperidae (including Crotalidae)This kind includes
(a) most snakes known as vipers and adders, and 
(b) the rattlesnake, bushmaster, fer-de-lance, water moccasin and copperhead.


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