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Community parking management schemes

Community Parking Management Schemes (CPMS) are generally developed following discussions with residents, businesses and other stakeholders to address parking problems, improve road safety for all highway users, improve access and parking for the disabled and finally to give residents some priority in parking their cars as close as possible to their property.

The CPMS Principles of Operation which apply to each scheme should be read by all permit holders as each permit holder signs up to adhere to the terms and conditions as part of the permit application process.

An administration fee is payable for the provision of parking permits. The fee covers the administration costs associated with permit issue and will apply for a full year or part thereof. No pro rata payments are available. All permits have an expiry date printed on them. Please see information below which details the permit period that applies for each Community Parking Management scheme.

Please note: if you purchase a permit after the commencement of the scheme year the permit will only be valid for the remaining months of that scheme year there are no pro rata payments available.

The permit scheme year for each CPMS is as follows:

  • Sunderland Royal Hospital - 1 January to 31 December
  • Stadium of Light - 1 August to 31 July
  • Newcastle Road/Seaburn Corridor - 24 April to 23 April
  • Ashbrooke/Thornholme Road - 1 August to 31 July
  • Barbury Drive - 1 April to 31 March
  • Ferryboat Lane - 1 August to 30 July
  • Howick Park - 1 April to 31 March  
  • University of Sunderland and Millfield - 1 November to 31 October
  • Northcote area - 1 September to 31 August
  • St Chads - 1 March to 28 February

Please note: We will issue a reminder by email and/or SMS when applications are open in the future for renewal. Please ensure you include an email and/or mobile when making your application online for us to do this. Alternatively, you can apply for your new permit 1 month before the expiry date printed on the front of the current permit.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How have the areas and streets within this scheme been chosen?

The particular areas and streets that form the proposed scheme were considered from engagement with local residents groups, requests from residents, local councillors and parking surveys to assess whether there is a commuter parking problem in that area or street.

2. What about businesses with the CPMS areas?

The City Council will discuss in more detail the needs of local businesses with the aim of finding solutions to assist businesses in the area. In terms of shopping, there may be a number of parking bays provided in certain streets to encourage opportunities for shoppers and businesses. Loading facilities are also under consideration.

3. Will the permit entitle me to park directly outside my house?

The permit will allow residents or their visitors to park anywhere in their particular CPMS zone, but spaces would be available on a first come-first served basis.

4. Who will be responsible for enforcing the CPMS?

The City Council's Civil Enforcement Officers will patrol the areas and issue penalty charge notices to drivers who flout the parking restrictions.

5. How much will this cost the council and the Council Tax payer?

The cost of the design and implementation of the scheme, including the costs of the signs, posts and road markings, will be met from the City Council's annual Local Transport Programme budget. The council has not priced the permits to cover these initial set up costs. Following its introduction, the scheme has been designed to be cost-neutral to the council, with no cost implications for the council taxpayer.

6. Will the back lanes be included in the scheme?

Yes. In response to the previous consultations, residents made it clear that the obstruction of rear accesses by inconsiderately parked vehicles was a significant problem.

7. What if I have a company car or work van that I keep parked outside my home; will I still need a permit?

The City Council will need to see a letter from your employer confirming that the vehicle is to be kept at your address, in which case a permit can then be issued.

8. What if I need funeral or wedding cars to park outside my house?

You should notify the City Council's Parking Services team, of the date and time that the cortege or wedding cars will be parked in the street, and arrangements can be made for temporary dispensation for the vehicles involved.

9. Can I apply for a permit in a different zone?

No, they are only applicable in the zone in which you live.

10. Can I accept deliveries when the scheme is in operation?

Yes, reasonable loading and unloading is permitted.


 If you have any further questions you can contact Parking Services or City and neighbourhood.

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