What is CLLD?
The CLLD programme is about providing sustainable economic opportunities and benefits to areas of Sunderland that face significant challenges. Challenges including social exclusion and multiple deprivation, capacity to access job opportunities, poor health or low levels of employment and entrepreneurship.
The programme brings together local communities to explore, identify and address the challenges and experiences that make it more difficult for some people and communities to find a job, access training and support, or set up a new business. The programme provides an opportunity to develop new and different ways of addressing particular needs and circumstances in a very local area that other programmes and initiatives might not be able to tackle.
What is the target area?
The programme is focussed on communities across the Washington, North, East and West areas of Sunderland. Including the Sunderland electoral wards of Castle, Millfield, Redhill, St. Anne's and Washington North in their entirety; and parts of the Sunderland electoral wards of Barnes, Fulwell, Hendon, Pallion, St Chad's, St. Michael's, St. Peter's, Sandhill, Silksworth, Southwick, Washington Central, Washington East, Washington South and Washington West.
The target area comprises a population of 146,108 of which 85,588 (or 58.6%) live in Lower Super Output Areas ranked in the 20% most deprived. CLLD investment will target those areas and LSOAs with the most serious disadvantage, particularly those that rank in the top 10% (44,930 people). The most deprived areas include specifically entrenched clusters in Pallion, Redhill, Southwick, Millfield, Sandhill and Hendon and an emerging cluster in Washington North.
What will CLLD deliver?
A Local Development Strategy was developed by a wide range of community partners in 2016. This was approved by Government in 2017 and the first call for projects was launched in November 2017.
The Strategy aim's to make a positive difference to the way that local people, voluntary and community groups and businesses benefit from opportunities in the city and those as set out in the City Plan and the Community Wealth Building Strategy
The 5-year programme will deliver initiatives up to March 2023. In total, £2.75m of European funding, through the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) programme, has been approved to deliver the programme. This funding also requires £2.45m of other match funding to deliver the following objectives, actions and local targets:
Objective | Action |
1. Enhancing employment and skills provision | 1.1 Effective engagement, finding and sign-posting |
1.2 Support towards, into and during employment | |
2. Boosting enterprise and entrepreneurship | 2.1 Inspiring an enterprising community |
2.2 Creating sustainable enterprises - pre-start up and start-up support | |
3. Improving community capacity, partnership working | 3.1 Investing in community leadership and capacity-building |
3.2 Promoting social investment opportunities and social innovation |
In delivering the above the following local targets must also be met:
2,204 beneficiaries assisted through employability, training and skill development activities
419 participants progressing to employment or training after the support
259 unemployed participants in employment, including self-employment on leaving
171 inactive participants into employment or job search on leaving
317 potential entrepreneurs assisted to be enterprise ready
155 enterprises receiving support, of which 109 will be new enterprises
20 VCSE organisations supported to deliver new community-based services
10social investment projects supported
5 New social investment / enterprise models and services developed
10Existing services improved