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Claim Universal Credit

Universal Credit (UC) claims are made online via the website link (opens new window).  Don't delay in making your claim - you may lose money and it takes around 5 weeks to receive your first payment

Have all the information (opens new window) ready to make your claim, including:

  • income 
  • savings
  • rent/ housing costs 
  • landlord details

If you need help to make an on line claim contact the UC helpline for free on 0800 328 5644(Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm). They can:

  • In some cases complete the form on line with you
  • If you need access to equipment or wi-fi, signpost you to local services /locations
  • If you currently have limited on line skills or confidence, refer you to Citizens Advice Sunderland (CAS) who offer support with making a new claim for Universal Credit, from opening your account to receiving your first full payment.

The CAS trained advisers can help you to:

-Set-up your Universal Credit account

-Complete your claim to-dos

-Verify your identity

-Make sure you're providing the right evidence to the Jobcentre

-Understand what Universal Credit will mean for you

If you're not sure what help you need just get in touch and they'll work out what support you need.

Visit CAS at: 5a Waterloo Place, Sunderland, SR1 3HT

Call: Freephone 0800 144 8 444 (England) or 08000 241 220 (Wales)

You can find more information on Universal Credit on the Citizens Advice Website:

  • If you need help after you have claimed and are waiting for your UC payment you can apply online for an advance Payment (opens new window) or ask your Work Coach or the UC helpline.

Council Tax Support - you have to make a separate claim to the council if you need help to pay your Council Tax  and you rent or own your property.

Free school meals (opens new window) - many low paid families in work as well as those out of work will still qualify . You can normally earn up to £7400 per year (after tax and not including any benefits you get) before your free school meals would be affected.

Find information on your local services through Sunderland Information Point (opens new window).

Further useful information can be found within our desk aid (pdf) andkey messages (pdf) documents.

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