Managing your money
Crisis support (old-kept in case of need to revive)
Sunderland City Council endeavours to ensure that information contained on this page is up to date and correct and in line with the latest NHS and Government advice. The council accepts no liability for error or omission.
Financial support
The government has introduced nationwide support measures to support the vulnerable and create resilience and independence. This support should allow you to manage your circumstances better and plan your finances to meet essential needs over the coming months without reliance on crisis support and foodbanks.
Accessing this support is your best option as it will make sure you can meet your essential needs including food and fuel without leaving your home unnecessarily.
Help with housing costs including your rent and mortgage
Help with energy and water costs
Other help available for individuals and families
If you are experiencing a delay in accessing these support measures, you can call us on 0800 234 6084 and we may be able to help you with food/refer you to a foodbank as a short-term measure.
There are at least 15 established foodbanks in Sunderland with eight of these being linked to Sunderland Foodbank. The foodbanks and contact details are listed in the link below.
Foodbanks provide support to people referred to them who are in immediate financial crisis and who lack money to buy food.
In addition, the council operates a crisis support scheme for people who lack the financial resources for food and fuel.
This is also an option for people experiencing delays in accessing the financial support measures put in place by government.
All applications are made by phone to the council on 0191 520 5551.
Useful numbers
Job Centre Plus 0800 055 6688 Textphone: 0800 023 4888
HMRC General Tax Credit Helpline number is 0345 300 3900
If you wish to speak to someone locally about your circumstances, there are several organisations in the city you can telephone, but they are reporting high levels of demand so please bear with them when you call, the lines may be engaged.
Sunderland Welfare Rights Service are also able to advise via email.
Local provider | Contact details |
Sunderland Welfare Rights Service | 0191 520 5555 |
Shiney Advice and Resource Project Washington & Coalfields areas | 07477 875 783 |
Sunderland West Advice Project West area | 07768 985 074
Citizens Advice Sunderland North & East areas | 0300 330 1194 Dedicated debt line on 0191 415 8998 |
FISCUS | 07983 355 212 City wide |
Christians Against Poverty | 0800 328 0006 City wide |
Stop Loan Sharks helpline service | 0300 555 2222 |