Call for everyone eligible to take up their Covid-19 spring booster
Sunderland's Director of Public Health is urging everyone who is offered the opportunity to have a COVID-19 Spring booster over the next few weeks to take this up.

Sunderland's Director of Public Health, Gerry Taylor, is also calling on anyone who hasn't had any doses of the COVID-19 vaccine so far, or has only had the one, to come forward and book an appointment before they stop being widely available at the end of June.
Everyone aged 75, care home residents and anyone age five and over who has a weakened immune system, is being invited to have the booster to boost their defences against Covid this spring.
Anyone who has yet to have any COVID-19 vaccinations, is also being reminded that they can still book their first and second dose.
However, the current offer, which allows everyone aged 5 on or before 31 August last year to get their first and second COVID vaccinations, is set to end at the same time as spring vaccinations, on 30 June 2023. Following advice from experts, after this date the vaccine will become more targeted to those at higher risk from severe COVID-19 and not everyone will be able to get it from the NHS.
Gerry Taylor, Sunderland's Director of Public Health, said: "COVID vaccines have saved countless lives and helped tens of thousands of people to stay out of hospital. They've also made it so much safer for us all to get on with our lives and to live with the virus without fear or restrictions.
"But COVID-19 is still with us and we know that the protection we get from previous vaccinations or from having had the virus, reduces over time.
"So I'd urge anyone offered a spring booster to take advantage of this and get the vaccine at the earliest opportunity to keep their immunity topped up. Even if you haven't received earlier doses of the vaccine, if you're eligible, it's still worth getting the spring booster to give yourself added protection through the summer.
"I'd also encourage everyone eligible who has so far only had the one COVID vaccination, or hasn't yet had any at all, to come forward as soon as possible before 30 June so that you can take advantage of the first and second dose while they're still widely available."
Anyone who hasn't had both their first and second dose and would like to needs to book and have their first dose on or before 5 May 2023. After 30 June 2023, you will not be able to get your second dose unless you are at higher risk from severe COVID-19.
People who are eligible for the spring booster will be contacted by the NHS and invited to make an appointment.
Appointments for first and second doses can be booked via: