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The true value of connections

Laura one of our reporters, a Happiness life coach, and Ageing Well Ambassador shares with us about the blue zones and why people live so long in these countries.

Do you ever stop to reflect on why the state of our nation's health has deteriorated over the last 60 years? Since the introduction of the NHS, you'd think our health and well-being would be so much better than it was in 1960, but if we stop and look around sadly it's not the case. 

Now I'm certainly not suggesting we blame the NHS, the intentions of the wonderful people who work there need as much support as anyone else to stay fit and healthy. What I am suggesting is we take a broader and deeper look at issues of what's been happening. Being older it's easy for us to reflect on the changes we've experienced over the years, but sadly our children and grandchildren can't because they haven't experienced what we have experienced. 

So, it's up to us ageing well to share our knowledge and wisdom so the younger generation get to hear real life stories as an alternative to what they read on Google, hear on TV and social media. Our voices can be the positive change for the future. 

Sad reflections - Being older there's a high probability we've all experienced the grief at losing a family member due to illness, and how sad it is they couldn't have enjoyed life longer. I so wished my brother John could have lived much longer, 57 is far too young to die. 

I raise this awareness on age and illness because I'm reflecting on the blue zones around the world. In the USA a country that's made up of 51 states there's only 2 blue zones and none in the UK, but in fairness our country is the size of a pea in comparison!

What are blue zones? Blue zones are areas of the planet where people live well into their 100's and still in good health. Only thing they die of is literally old age. 

If you watch Netflix there's a program on the subject, just search 'blue zones'. Watch on Utube

Currently I'm so very grateful mine is still good ... well apart from being overweight because I enjoy food and drink too much!

but I can change that ... if I put my mind to it!

I just need to eat a little less and exercise a little more to create some balance. 

But why do I find it difficult? 

I could blame it on 

the season ... we are meant to still be hibernating. 

Or the weather ... it's cold and I need more body for heat. 

Or the weather again ... it's too wet and cold to go for a walk. 

Or the usual 'I haven't got the time.'

This got me thinking of why it's so difficult to stay healthy and have such an obese issue in our country. 

Then it dawned on me ...  

I went to the cinema over Xmas and watched an hour of adverts before the movie even started! 

They were made up primarily of promoting unhealthy fast food and constant repeats for McDonald's... 

I felt like I was being brainwashed! 

Adverts and fast-food outlets ... over the past 40 years they have vastly increased in our country and probably around Europe and other countries. For further reading the Executive Director of Public Health annual report highlights this in Sunderland DirectorOfPublicHealthAnnualReport2022-2023.pdf (

After watching the blue zones program, I saw the difference instantly ... there are no adverts and no fast-food joints, in-fact the people in blue zones rarely watch TV and rarely pick up a phone because they are too busy living their own life growing and preparing good food for themselves and their families and being outside getting involved with community activities. 

They live and work within the community for the community. (They also walk everywhere) 

Having meaningful work paid or unpaid, a purpose to live and human connection is what truly makes them happy and age well. 

Being happy improves our health. 

Good emotions heal our mind and body because of the positive energy they provide within us. 

Just by laughing with others can improve our health because we spread that good energy around. 

Which gets me to reflect on the need for comedy. 

Comedians are needed more than ever to help us learn to laugh at ourselves, because when we don't take ourselves too seriously, we enjoy life even more and the happiness cycle grows as does our ability to live longer!  

So, at this point I highly recommend you watch the 1941 film called 'Sullivan's Travels' with Joel McCrea and Veronica Lake, it's old so not 'PC' but if you can suspend judgment while watching and just look for the powerful message within it ... it's so worth a watch. 

Have fun and find happiness with others today! - Wishing you a happy joyful day ahead. 



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