Update on Audit of 2023/2024 Statement of Accounts
Statement of Accounts 2023-2024
Our auditors, Forvis Mazars LLP have conducted a full and detailed audit of the Statement of Accounts 2023-2024. They have reported to the council's Audit and Governance Committee and provided their opinion on the accounts which are now published.
The Statement of Accounts 2023-2024 has been approved and authorised for issue under delegation granted at the Audit and Governance Committee on 27 September 2024.
Forvis Mazars LLP cannot formally conclude the audit and issue a certificate until they have completed the work necessary to issue their assurance statement in respect of the council's Whole of Government Accounts.
Once this work is complete the council will publish:
- Forvis Mazars' Final Audit Certificate; and
- A Notice of Conclusion of Audit explaining the rights of local electors to inspect the accounts and audit opinion/certificate.