'Outstanding' rating for children's services
Children's services in Sunderland continue to be 'outstanding'.
An Ofsted inspection of Together for Children (TfC) took place between Monday 27 January and Friday 31 January this year.
TfC has responsibilities for supporting and protecting children and young people in families or if they are experiencing care.
The report on TfC has been published (Tuesday 11 March) and can be viewed at: Ofsted report.
At the last inspection in 2021, Sunderland's children's services were the first in the country to make the leap from an 'inadequate' Ofsted rating to 'outstanding'.
Inspectors said in their new report that: "What has been seen consistently throughout this inspection, across all service areas, is the unstinting focus on doing what is right for children. Staff speak about young people with warmth and care, and they go the extra mile to ensure that young people know that they are cared for and cared about."
Children's services are delivered by Together for Children (TfC) on behalf of Sunderland City Council. The council's Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Child Poverty and Skills, Councillor Michael Butler has welcomed the inspection report and its findings.
He said: "As the inspectors recognise, everyone in Together for Children truly does care about and work to achieve the very best for our city's children and young people. Ofsted highlights how at the last inspection in 2021 children's services were 'outstanding' and since then not only has this been maintained but services continue to improve."
The Ofsted inspection examined four main areas of working in children's services to reach its rating:
Judgement | Grade |
The impact of leaders on social work practice with children and families | Outstanding |
The experiences and progress of children who need help and protection | Outstanding |
The experiences and progress of children in care | Outstanding |
The experiences and progress of care leavers | Good |
Overall effectiveness | Outstanding |
Ofsted highlighted how Together for Children has not only sustained the outstanding practice and leadership seen at the last inspection, but also been relentless in driving further progress and improvements.
In its report, Ofsted noted how: "Children receive highly effective and consistent help, support, protection and care. The quality of assessment and plans, and the identification and responses of children experiencing neglect, have all been strengthened since the last inspection."
It said there was outstanding work with other agencies, there is recognition of diversity, children missing school are tracked, 16 and 17-year-olds presenting as homeless receive swift responses, and disabled children and young carers receive highly effective support. The experiences and progress of children in care also showed 'outstanding' high quality, bespoke care and consideration.
In looking at care experiences, the report said: "There is a real emphasis in Sunderland on engagement with children and young people. Social workers know their cared for children exceptionally well and nurture trusting and warm relationships with them as a foundation for supporting them through their care experience and beyond. Children are encouraged at their own pace to share their views on the support that would make a difference in their lives."
Ofsted noted, too, how workforce stability is 'exceptionally strong' with a healthy distribution of experience levels among all staff, how staff were enthusiastic and professional development is promoted and supported.
Simon Marshall, TfC's Chief Executive and the lead for children's services, said: "I would like to thank all the team members of TfC who continue to work with our city's children, young people and families. It's everybody's professionalism, diligence, and caring outlooks that are helping so many others.
"It's pleasing to see Ofsted noting all these good and outstanding aspects of our work from the hundreds and indeed thousands of tasks and actions that are taken every day across TfC.
"Overall, we can be very proud that Ofsted recognise all the positive change that we are continuing to bring to so many children and young people across our city."