Liz Highmore
I endeavour to make the most of my abilities and achieve things that some people in my life have deemed impossible or, at least, highly unlikely. Some of my ambitions have already been achieved - I have driven a JCB, I have flown a plane and also flown on Concorde.
Although I abseiled once I am not sure that I could do a parachute or bungee jump but would seriously consider a balloon flight, helicopter trip but, most of all, I would like to do a wing walk. Having seen wing walkers at Sunderland Air Shows it looks like a good way to prove that I can achieve my goals.
Following the death of my husband, I had to learn how to interact with people again as I had been kept isolated for so long. It was, however, only a few months later that I started to find my campaigning spirit and stated to get involved with a number of different groups.
Campaigning, crafting, and learning all featured in my reintroduction to society. My areas of interest include disability, equality and diversity, human rights, health, ageing and politics.
I have always believed that lifelong learning is essential and the day I stop wanting to learn will be the day that shows that I have given up on life. There is still so much to learn.
Intrigued by languages, I have been interested in history and archaeology from my early teens. The sciences are another major area of interest and hope to finish my degree in physics and astronomy one day. I am still teaching myself these subjects. I also study some areas of the social sciences where these impact on my campaigning areas.
When it comes to hobbies, I read a lot and always have a book in my handbag, and I read a range of genres. I knit and crochet a lot and am trying to get back in to sewing as I have not done a lot since making my wedding dress by hand.
I attend dance classes at Sunderland Empire and Dance City and was lucky last year to dance at the Edinburgh Fringe. Also, I have been fortunate to be able to participate as a member of the community cast of other dance companies.
Whatever else I do I hope to be a good example of a person who is Ageing Well.