Cash grants to the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE)
From Monday 1 June 2020, VCSE organisations that are located and deliver activity in Sunderland are able to apply for a cash grant of either £1,000 or £10,000.
The Council's Community Wealth Building Strategy recognises the importance of local VCSE organisations in delivering the city's ambitions for social and economic wealth and that VCSE organisations have a key role in moving Sunderland forward to becoming a fairer and more prosperous city.
We appreciate that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic many organisations will be experiencing financial pressures and in order to support the sustainability of the sector we have put in place the Local Support Scheme. The scheme will provide financial support to VCSE organisations who are unable to benefit from National Support Schemes including Small Business Rate Relief Grant and the Discretionary Grant Fund.
Further information about eligibility can be found in our Local Support Scheme guidance.
To make an application please use our online form Local Support Scheme application